Title: C-AML
Genre: Musiktheater
Duration: ca. 60 minutes
Premier: September 2023 ( Bern - Switzerland )
Personnel: Arda Yurdusev┃Composition - Electronics - Visuals
Andrea Zamengo┃Percussion Severin Rush┃Percussion
Bernat Pont Anglada┃Acting Rebecca Minten ┃Clarinet
Cassandra Hutsteiner┃Cello
Technic: Samuel Gfeller┃Sound Arthur Holliger┃Lights
C-AML is a musiktheater piece that focuses on sensitive topics, therefore it occasionally features heavier scenes. The aesthetic of the piece is conceptualized so that it would be perceived from the point of view of a child’s mind and imagination at certain scenes, which result in some humorous parts throughout the show as well.
The piece begins in the clinic’s waiting room of (Chem)4 - Lab Enterprises and progresses all the way through the different stages of our protagonist’s story. While at times featuring realistic scenes, it often takes an unrealistic and humorous route that is bordering in-between real-life and sci-fi elements.
Accompanied by the clinic’s personnel, we follow alongside the characters though this heavy yet humoristic journey.
C-AML | Extended Trailer
C-AML | Scene V - TRIAL